At some point my Mother started calling me Danger Boy. I can't remember when it was exactly but it may have been around the time that I started juggling chain saws. Somehow that title stuck and I now wear it with pride (and named my blog after it). For me danger is not about risking one's life or a quick adrenaline rush but rather the heightened experience that comes from doing things that society in general may label as "dangerous". It is not that I intentionally seek out dangerous things and then go and do them. Rather I am somehow naturally attracted to that realm. I was attracted to black powder like a fly to S#!T. Ice climbing and scuba diving just made a lot of sense to me as sports activities and for a period of time one of my biggest goals was to do full body burn stunts. For work I get to rig off high buildings and blow stuff up (in a pyrotechnic way - in case CSIS / CIA is reading). I am constantly on the look out for other "dangerous deeds" to provide me with portals to new experience, entertainment, fitness, and wonder and fun. Here is where I will share those experiences with whoever comes along. Welcome...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Scuba - Why?

What is it about scuba diving that gets me so excited? Yes, there are periods of time where I put it away on the shelf and don’t do it for a while but then I always come back to it. And it seems with more vigour and passion than before. This summer for instance I was forced to abandon my relatively new hobby (no, wrong word -,, REALITY - perhaps that’s it). I was so busy with this schoolhouse project and my work with Circus Orange that I was starting to crack. Something had go go for a while and scuba drew the short straw. Unfortunately until scuba pays the bills for scuba (and everything else) then it won’t be top of the food chain time commitment wise. That is fine. It is nice to go away and then come back again. I can look at it with new eyes. Like now. I am looking at them through the eyes of a homeowner who doesn’t live in Toronto, a ten minute drive to Humber Bay on Lake Ontario. I still dive Humber but it is an hour drive and that is just fine. I spend an hour thinking about the dive before hand and then digesting it afterwards in the truck. I will also seek out other sites both near and far to satisfy by dive bug. I won’t take what is close and handy but rather what I want to do. Tobermory, for instance, has been on my radar huge with two weekend visits over the past month.

I look up at my goals wall and there is a 14’ Zodiac and an Aquatica housing for my 5D. Now that I feel I have transitioned from the beginner diver level it is time to start adding layers. I will start to fold in some of my other passions, like photography, into the mix. A boat seems a natural progression so I can dive where and when I want.

Yes, scuba is here to stay. I look forward to seeing where it takes me over this next year. And the year after that and...

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